I remember the first time I had an intimate worship session with God after many years of being a lukewarm Christian. It felt like a warm welcome back to His presence.
The week before that experience, it seemed I had a void that needed filling, and there was this deep desire to know God more, to ditch my lukewarm habits, and stick to God only. I had this strong desire that kept building up in my heart, the desire to be a woman rooted in her faith.

That evening, I was returning home from the gym, and when I got home, the first song I played was a song titled, “You Are Good, you Are Kind.” As soon as I began singing along, I could feel the love of the Father envelop my entire being. It was so strong that I couldn’t voice out the words of the song clearly, and all I could hear myself saying was, ” God, I love you.
That night, I reflected so much on my life and saw how much I had betrayed God. I felt so unworthy to be called God’s child, and wasn’t sure how God would bring me back to Himself. There was this deep hunger within me for the things of God. I was tired of playing church! I was tired of calling myself a Christian but still entertaining things the Bible rebuked.
At that season of my life, I needed to pick a side.

Honestly, I believe it was God who placed this deep hunger within me. I believe God wanted me to get my walk with Him in good shape because I was running out of time for my purpose as a woman of God.
What is Worship ?
Before I say what worship is, I would like to say what worship is not. Worship is not singing along to your favorite gospel song. Worship is not the tears you shed because a song makes you recall some bad memories. Lastly, worship is not the chills you feel in your body when singing.
So, what is worship?
Worship is offering your heart to God in exchange for His. Your heart is where your treasures are. Whatever you value so much, that’s where your heart lies. So, singing along to a worship song without your heart involved is similar to hitting a noisy gong.

Being a Person of Worship
Here is a beautiful scripture I read in Psalms 25:14, message translation – God’s friendship is for God’s worshippers; they are the ones He confides in.
So, this means being a person of worship automatically makes you a friend of God. A perfect example that comes to my mind here is David. David was a man God called His friend because he was a man of worship.
David’s worship touched God because his heart was involved. He was always conscious of the state of his heart and at every little instant, he would seek the purification of his heart. This reminds me of one of my favorite Psalms that says – Create in me a clean heart O God, and renew a right spirit within me.
Honestly, I desire so much to be a woman of worship. I want to get to that point in my walk with God where I see God as my ultimate treasure, my everything, and my life. You might think I am there, but I am not.
What Worship Does to You?
Worship purifies the heart and renews the soul.
We carry so many burdens as humans, and despite God asking us to lay them all down and find rest in him, we prefer to keep carrying these heavy burdens. Worship is an exchange. It’s an exchange of your heart and soul for His.
Practically, what does worship do to you?
Worship brings you closer to your original self. God made you in His image, and if God calls Himself light, then you are light. To be a light is to be an ever-shining, ever-vibrant human soul
The Renewal of Your Soul
The soul is the seat of man. A man’s decisions, willpower, personality habits, and everything that makes a person who they are is in the soul. The soul makes a man’s existence possible, and that’s why in the Bible, a comparison was made between a man’s soul and the entire world when God said – For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
This shows you how expensive and valuable our souls are and why we need to nurture our souls daily.
The soul is the connection between a man’s spirit and his body. A man’s spirit alone can’t exist in this world. On the other hand, a man’s body alone is just like ordinary meat. So, to enable the former to give life to the latter, you need the soul.
When a man’s soul is polluted, that connection is impossible. You can liken this to the lights in your home. Without the electrical wires that connect the light bulb to its electrical source, there would be no light.

Concluding Thoughts
The vibrant soul of a worshipper is without worry, offense, regret, or whatever emotions that tend to pollute the soul. May God help us attain this state, Amen.

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”
Lovely and inspirational thoughts Dr.B, I was really blessed by this wonderful article. Pls keep up with the good work of faith
Hey Hey,
I appreciate you taking your time to read. I am happy you were blessed by this and definitely I will keep this up by the grace of God.
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